Are you tired of getting rained on? Sick of carrying a jacket when it’s completely unnecessary? You need to check out our list of the best Android weather apps. We’ve got you covered (by an umbrella or a cap, depending on what it’s like outside) with the top 10 meteorological apps and widgets that are currently available for free in the Google Play Store. Check them out below.
YoWindow Free Weather: best looking
“Watch weather with pleasure” says YoWindow when you first load it and truthfully it lives up to this promise: this is a great looking Android weather app. Instead of using simple icons to represent clouds, sunshine and rain, YoWindow displays a cartoon landscape which reflects the real-time weather in your current location.The light level and conditions are accurately represented in the app and you can scroll through the hours – as if scrolling through an online video – to see changes over time. It’s a unique and well-realized weather app, which not only looks good, but is also incredibly easy to use. Available for free with ads or paid without, check it out in the Play Store via the link below.

MORECAST - Free Premium Weather: most intuitive design
MORECAST sells itself with its great-looking and intuitive interface: its vertical list layout is easy to use and interpret. At the top, you’re greeted with the current weather and the 'real feel'. Scroll down and you'll see a more detailed view of the day's weather.Another swipe and MORECAST will reveal what’s happening tomorrow; down again and you’re presented with a simple seven-day view. This streamlined UI is good for beginners and experienced weather app users alike, because it provides access to all of the information you could need, but doesn’t throw it all at you on one screen.
MORECAST is full of small details, such as webcams that show the weather at different times of the day across the globe, and a weather navigation feature to help you plan routes around the best conditions.

WeatherBug: best for extra features
WeatherBug excels in the design and user interface department, plus it is able to pinpoint the weather forecast, not only to your city, but to your neighborhood. In addition to forecasts and severe weather warnings, the developers have incorporated a traffic camera section to avoid jams and the ability to share photos and albums.You can customize it to your lifestyle, so you can find out, for example, if you can run to the gym on a specific day, as well as personalize your home screen, language, and save multiple locations.

Weather Underground: best for getting involved
Weather Underground employs the combined services of more than 33,000 weather stations to offer “the world’s most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts” from a widespread weather community.This is said to produce a more personalized experience, tailored to your real-time location; users can even give updates on the weather in their area. The interface is highly detailed and shows everything you could ask for, on one convenient and useful page.

Transparent clock & weather: best Weather Widget
This weather widget, as its name suggests, rolls a clock and weather display into some convenient homescreen widgets. But not only does it provide the latest weather info, Transparent clock & weather also shows your battery level, next alarm and the next event in your calendar. It can even show your internal system information such as SD card storage and Wi-Fi status.Transparent clock & weather currently houses 10 widgets, in various sizes with varying levels of detail, and is also completely customizable, allowing you to make adjustments to the color, opacity and update frequency of your widgets. There’s something for everyone, and it makes an excellent alternative to the standard weather widget that's pre-installed on most devices.

Weather from NOAA free: best for emergency weather updates
If you live or are traveling in a region that is often affected by severe weather, we recommend you check out Weather from NOAA free. This app delivers the latest news straight from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to provide the most critical information on mainland storms, cyclones, tornadoes and other severe weather.NOAA free offers real-time satellite views of key areas and a news feed, in addition to comprehensive marine updates. You can also head straight to the Severe Weather Outlook section for a daily glance at what's going on. For those who might be affected by extreme weather, this app could be vital.

The Weather Channel: best for world weather news
The Weather Channel is the go-to weather app for many Android users, with up-to-date and accurate weather information. It includes hourly, 36-hour and 10-day forecast options, as well as the usual gamut of weather conditions like wind speed, humidity, UV index, visibility, dew point and pressure. It also has a slick interface, with a weather-related videos section that features clips from around the world.It’s simple and intuitive to use. It doesn’t contain all of the necessary info on a single page like some other apps do, but you do get extras such as ski conditions, flu and pollen data. (You also can tap on most items to receive more detailed information.) It's one of the best weather apps for Android.

Accuweather: best for serious weather addicts
Accuweather is one of the staple weather apps on Android. It's usually accurate and is filled with great information, including the awesome RealFeel index (which suggests what the outdoor temperature feels like, rather than where the mercury stops).Accuweather comes loaded with graphs, maps, radar and even video weather forecasts for your region. It's a comprehensive app, but some might be put off by its layout – it's not the easiest app to navigate.

Yahoo Weather: best for ease of use
Yahoo Weather offers tons of information without ever feeling cluttered, and features ever-changing backgrounds from Flickr, so it always feels fresh.There are many sizes and types of widget for your home screen, and you’ll often get notifications in your status bar. It has everything an average user would need without going overboard on professional features. The one thing that could be improved is location precision.

Google Now: best for simplicity
Google Now has a lot to offer in the form of cards, which you can customize to show the information you need, when you need it. One of these is a weather card, which displays the daily forecast for your current location, work location and travel destinations. The design is very Google: simple, minimal and informative.Another available card is for public alerts, which gets you emergency information that comes right from the National Weather Services and the US Geological Survey. You can get Google Now as long as you have a Google account, and the Google Search app installed on your Android device. Tap on the Google Search app, tap on the search box, or swipe from the bottom up and this will bring you to Google Now.

Which app would you say is the best weather app for Android? Let us know in the comments below.
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