Apple Music app for Android: first impressions

Apple's second app to hit the Google Play Store is here. Apple Music, the Cupertino company's answer to Spotify and Google Play Music, has launched for the first time on Android. But is it any good? Here are some first impressions that we've formed after trying our Apple Music Android app.

Apple Music is a music streaming service that was launched on June 30, 2015. It integrates with Beats 1 internet radio, social platform Connect, and Radio, a slimmed down version of iTunes Radio.
This is only the second Apple app to reach the Google Play Store, the first being the poorly received Move to iOS app, and it's currently still in beta.

How does Apple Music app for Android work?

After downloading and installing the app, you are presented with a page that asks you to either start your three-month trial or sign in to your account, if you already subscribe to the service. When signing-in for the first time, you will be asked to select your favorite music genres and artists.
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Left: the landing page for the Apple Music app. Right: the sign in screen.
Selecting genres uses the same user-interface as on the iOS version. Styles are held inside pink bubbles, which you tap and hold for a genre you don't like, tap once for a genre you do like, and double tap for a genre you love. You will then be asked to do the same for artists.
Once this has been done, the landing page (ie the For You page) will be filled with personalized music recommendations based on your selected preferences.
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The Apple Music Android menu (left) and artist search page (right). 
Though you have access to the same services as Apple users do, the way they are presented on Android is slightly different. iOS has all of the the sections at the bottom of the screen, whereas Android uses the hamburger menu on the left-hand side. Almost all of the same features are available within the Android app, though it is currently missing music videos, which may be added once the app leaves beta.
The performance of the app is currently a little slow, and occasionally the radio will stop playing for no reason, but these bugs are likely to be ironed out when the full version is released.
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The Apple Music app interface.
Apple Music is a great service and if you're already a subscriber, being able to use it on your Android phone this will no doubt please you. There are still a few things Apple needs to sort out, naturally, but once it does, this app should easily deliver the same experience as the iOS version. The only question then is whether you want to invest in a Apple Music subscription. You can download it from the Google Play Store at the link.

Are you going to check out the Apple Music app? Have you tried it already? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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