No, I'm not going to tell you how to screenshot Snapchat without your friend knowing (but the answers are out there). Instead, I'm going to take you through ten cool, but way less pervy, Snapchat tips and tricks you should be using but may not know about.
1. Access hidden Snapchat settings
Swipe down and tap the Settings icon. Scroll down to Additional services > Manage and check out the hidden Snapchat options, including front-facing flash, friend emojis, permissions and filters. You can even reduce Snapchat's data consumption when you're traveling.
2. Switch between front-facing and main camera during Snaps
This feature doesn't work for everyone (unless you're on iOS, ahem) but while recording a video Snap just double tap the screen to switch between the front-facing and main camera. Great for capturing your reaction to what's in front of you for your friends. If it works for you, that is.3. Use multiple filters
Once you've taken a Snap you can swipe left to add color filters and more. But did you know you can layer filters? Say you've taken a photo you want to make black and white but you also really want to put the time on it. Just swipe to the black and white filter, hold the screen with one finger and keep swiping to the time filter. Done.
4. Set up login verification
Login verification is basically two-step authentication for Snapchat. Add a phone number to your account and hit up the settings to enable Login verification so you'll receive a code via SMS whenever you (or someone else) tries to log into your account on an unfamiliar device.5. Add a soundtrack to your video Snaps
If you'd like some audio accompaniment on your video Snaps, just open your music player app, start the tune you want in your Snap, switch back to Snapchat and record your video. You'll now have your very own music video Snap.
6. Add a profile GIF
Swipe down from the top of the screen to see your Snap code. Tap the ghost and you'll see your mug in the viewfinder. Tap the shutter button and you'll get yourself five selfies that get turned into a GIF in your Snap code.7. Spice up your captions
When you tap the pen icon to add a caption in Snapchat you're automatically given a basic font with a background across your image. But if you tap the pen icon a few more times you get larger text and centered text and you can choose the color from the palette in the top right. You can add emoji with the sticky note icon and rotate, resize and move your additions anywhere you like.
8. Enable location filters
Once you've taken a photo you can add filters including time, temperature, speed and some color overlays to your Snap by swiping left, but in your Settings you've also got a check box for location filters. Enable this to add place information to your Snaps.9. Verify your email address
If you're relatively new to Snapchat then it's a good idea to check the settings to make sure you have a verified email address attached to your account and also to review the new terms and conditions of Snapchat service (there have been some changes to your visible name and other information).
10. Write your own Story
Stories are Snaps that are visible to your contacts an unlimited number of times for the next 24 hours. So whenever you grab a great Snap you know your friends are going to want to see more than once, tap the square icon at the bottom of your Snap window with the plus sign on it. You can see who has been viewing your story by tapping the eyeball next to your shared Story.Snapchat

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